Abuse Department

Voxility Abuse Department is actively working to prevent abuse and combat fraud. Claims are thoroughly investigated aiming to be solved in the shortest possible time.

Contact ‘Support and Sales Department’ here


Have you been affected by activity from our network?

Voxility is a registered telco that provides services to identifiable resellers.
It is likely the end user that abused your rights or systems is serviced by one of our customers.

Attacks, hacking, phishing, carding, Spamhaus listings, and any other malicious Internet activity will be blocked immediately.

Copyright infringement is treated in accordance with the laws of the country where the affected server is located, and claims require proper documentation from your side.

Americas & Asia

Voxility LLC
580 California Street, 12th Floor
San Francisco, California 94104
United States of America
+1-703-888-5811 / tel

UK, Middle East and Africa

Voxility LLP
1st Floor, Berkeley Square House
15 Berkeley Square, Mayfair, London W1J 6AA
United Kingdom
+44-20-3355-1458 / tel


Voxility GmbH
Westhafentower, 10th Floor
Westhafenplatz 1, 60327 Frankfurt
+49-69-957-98952 / tel


Voxility SRL
Dimitrie Pompeiu 9-9A, Building 24
sector 2, Bucharest 020335
+40-21-207-4774 / tel


For any other inquiry, please email us at
